Workers Comp Services
Injured on the job? APAC can help with our comprehensive medical treatments.

APAC Case Management Services provides the following:
- Comprehensive medical treatment supported by a staff with specific expertise in dealing with Worker’s Compensation cases.
- Quick and efficient handling of the charting, documentation and dictation process.
- The overseeing of each individual case by our case management and clinical staff to ensure quality treatment in a timely manner.
- Emphasis on the patient returning to work, definition of MMI and normalization of their lives.
Please call an office that is convenient for you.
Please consult with your Worker’s Compensation nurse before scheduling an appointment.
Living with chronic pain? We can help!
When you arrive for your first visit at an APAC facility, rest assured that you will be in great hands. Our staff takes pride in treating you with respect, compassion and friendliness so that your visit with us is as relaxing as possible.